Moving to get in the right school?
One of the most common reasons for a family to move to a new location is that their preferred school is in that community, or to be in the catchment area for a specific school. Maybe your child is a future pro athlete and there is a school with a fantastic sports program, or maybe you want them to go to French emersion, or be involved in a science program. What ever the reason, you want to do your homework before committing to the move.
These days the clear majority of the research can be done online. With just about everything at our fingertips, you can see most of the information you need from the comfort of your own home. But once you are just about ready to commit, you want to visit the school in person, speak to teachers, the principal and maybe talk to other parents who are considering the same school/program for their children. Luckily schools hold open houses for this exact reason. Generally held during the months of January to April, you can find out what dates are for your school of interest. We have done the search for you and below are the dates for all open houses, in all levels of school for Edmonton Public schools for 2017. You can also visit
Open House Dates for All Edmonton Public Schools (Click appropriate level of school to view)
Once you’ve locked down the right school, it’s time to start looking for a home that meets your families needs. You can create a search using one of our many search tools. If you are looking in a specific catchment area, you can utilize our map search and Polygon Tool to find out what is available in the exact location you need. Any time you see a home of interest, simply inquire or request a showing and we’ll get you in for a private viewing.
If you need to sell your current home first, but aren't sure what your home is worth, simply use our Home Evaluation tool to request an online, or in person home evaluation.
I hope this has helped you find the right home for you and your family. If any time questions come up during your search please don't hesitate to contact us. We'd be happy to help :)
Happy house-hunting!
~ Corey Sylvester, REALTOR®
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