For many, purchasing a new home, or selling their current home, or possibly both, are a big part of their new year goals. Here is a quick read to help you get the ball rolling.

For one of my neighbours, the taking-down of the multi-coloured Christmas tree display in his back-yard signals the end of the holiday season. For most, the unwanted gifts have been returned, the Christmas tree has been taken down, and the hardening remains of the Christmas baking have been eaten. For many who are in the habit of forming New Year’s resolutions, this is the time of year when goals are refreshed, or new ones are made with the roadmap of the year ahead in mind.

But for those whose goals for the year include the sale of a home, or a downsizing to something…

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Windermere home sales activity for 2018

Single Family Home Sales, Windermere Edmonton


Windermere home sales were down just slightly for the month of December 2018, compared to the same month in 2017. December is typically a slower month for any community due to the holiday season.

Below are the sales numbers for single family homes for the 2018 year in Windermere. The previous couple years are in brackets.

January – 11 (4 in 2017, 6 in 2016)

February – 12 (11 in 2017, 5 in 2016)

March – 9 (12 in 2017, 15 in 2016)

April – 14 (16 in 2017, 15 in 2016)

May – 16 (30 in 2017, 22 in 2016)

June – 14 (14 in 2017, 18 in 2016)

July – 13 (19 in 2017, 17 in 2016)

August – 17 (23 in 2017, 16 in 2016)

September – 15 (13 in…

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